This pair of binoculars was donated to Houston Maritime by our Wednesday docent, Laurence Shallenberger. His father, George G. Shallenberger, purchased these Carl Zeiss Jena binoculars while on vacation in Glacier National park, Montana, 1936.

Founded in 1846, German optics manufacturer Carl Zeiss Jena’s lenses are considered some of the best in the world leading to high demand for both public use and military equipment.

After American’s entry into World War II, the U.S. Military requested citizens donate binoculars to aid in the war effort. George Schallenberger packaged his binoculars and shipped them off to war. In June 1946, to Mr. Schallenberger’s surprise, the U.S. Navy returned his binoculars engraved with his name, and serial number 4290-1942.

Excerpt taken from The Anchor Newsletter, January, 2017.

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