Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association Panel


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Women in the maritime industry often struggle with the challenges arising from a career in shipping. Founded in 1974, the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) is a global organization that aims to alleviate those struggles by connecting female executives and decision makers from around the world. The organization serves as a connector for its network of more than 3,000 female professionals from all sectors of the maritime industry. Join a distinguished all-female panel of WISTA members who will share their diverse backgrounds and personal career experiences in the maritime industry.

Panel Members

Tricia Clark is an Emergency Response Advisor for Aramco Services Company and manages maritime operational risks and business resilience.

Joy Hall is the Marine Training Director for Conoco Phillips’ Polar Tankers and is responsible for the development, implementation, and compliance of a comprehensive marine training program from 350 employees.

Captain Sherri Hickman is a Pilot for the Houston Pilot’s Association and expertly navigates vessels through the Houston Ship Channel.

Samina Sadaf Mahmood serves as the Director of Communications for Vessel Services group of O’Brien’s Response Management and manages marketing, communications and business development matters.

Erin Bertram is M.E.B.A.’s Gulf Coast Vice President and leads operations at the company’s Houston Union hall.

Captain Lindsay Price is a Captain at G&H Towing Company and focuses on crew safety, cargo security, vessel functionality, and exceptional maneuvering and boat handling skills.

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