Would you please complete this brief survey? Houston Maritime Museum Donor Survey Donor Survey What is your age?(Required)Under 1818-2627-4243-5859-6869+What is your gender?(Required) Male Female Prefer not to answer Other What is your highest level of education completed?(Required) High School Associates/Trade School Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree PhD Did not complete High School What is your annual household income?(Required) $0-$75,000 $75,000 – $99,000 $100,000 – $149,000 $150,000 – $199,000 $200,000+ How often do you donate to HMC?(Required) Monthly Quarterly Annually Once every five years What is your relationship with HMC?(Required) Works/Worked in Maritime Industry Passion for the Maritime World Private Donor Industry Sponsor How long have you been donating to HMC?(Required) Less than 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years 10+ years What causes do you regularly donate to (at least once a year). Check all that apply.(Required) Religious Education Museums Conservations Health and Human services Art, Cultural and Humanities How important is it to see the impact of your donation on a non-profit cause?(Required) Extremely important Very Important Somewhat important Not so important Not at all important How important is clarity and detail in the organization's financial and operational practices when deciding to donate?(Required) Very Important Important Indifferent Not Important Not Very Important Which offerings of HMC do you value most?(Required) Museum Displays The Gala Event Spaces Educational Oppurtunities for Employee/Students Why do you choose to donate to HMC?(Required) I enjoy learning about Houston’s Maritime History I am passionate about Ships and Sailing I want Houston to have a Maritime Museum I passionate about Maritime Centers Other How satisfied were you with the recent event/program hosted by the Houston Maritime Center?(Required) Great Satisfactory Not Good Other When was your last visit to HMC?(Required) Within the last month Within the last quarter Within the last year Over a year ago Over three years ago What types of events/programs would you be interested in attending in the future?(Required) Networking Events Boat Shows Ocean Festivals Interactive Maritime Museum Events Marine Exhibitions Of which merchandise available at the store, which interests you the most?(Required) Photographs Ship Models Mugs Clothing Other Which social media platforms do you use to follow HMC?(Required) I do not follow HMC on social media Facebook Instagram Twitter How can HMC better serve the needs of donors?(Required) Δ Share this:FacebookX