A British Ocean liner built in 1936 for the Cunard-White Star Line, the RMS Queen Mary was a transatlantic passenger and troop ship until her retirement in 1967. She was then purchased by the city of Long Beach, California, and was turned into a tourist attraction and hotel.
She is now known to be one of the top 10 most haunted places in the United States. In her ship logs, there have been 55 reported deaths onboard, but as death records weren’t always documented, the number could be more. In her records, 16 crew and at least 41 passengers died onboard, most by natural causes, though some horrific accidents did take place, such as falling off the ship into the seas and being crushed by a mechanical door. While we have the documented deaths, reports of more than 150 ghosts have been sighted onboard. Another possible reason for her hauntings was the accidental sinking of one of her escort ships, the HMS Curacoa, with the loss of 239 souls. Who and what are these spirits that drift down her halls?
Visiting the Queen Mary, guests have experienced severe temperature changes, knocking, flickering lights, slamming doors, and screams. Specters of a crew member (believed to be the crushed crew member) in coveralls haunt the engine room where he died; his screams of pain are often heard by visitors. A ghost of a child known as Jacqueline Torin is seen and heard near the second-class pool, where she supposedly drowned at the age of 6. Visitors will hear sounds of children laughing and splashing in the pool, as well as small wet footprints walking out of the pool. There are also reports of a lady in white who is seen dancing in the lounge. Her story or reasonings for her hauntings are unknown.
Whether or not you believe in ghosts is up to you, though you can see for yourself by visiting and staying at the RMS Queen Mary, where you can stay the night or join ghost tours of the vessel.
To learn more about haunted ships and shipwrecks, visit HMC and learn the horrors of these vessels in 6 Feet Below the Waves: The Water’s Graveyard!
is there a picture of jackie before she died?
The hauntings of Queen Mary is unknown, Well most of them. In the video Sam and Colby have posted, They have had a psychic medium with them, Who has seen some and talked to most ghosts. In one of their videos, they possibly talked to a demon. Sam said, ” If yes, one knock, if no, any number of knocks will work.” He then proceeded to ask if there was a heaven, and the response was no. Two of their religious friends immediately stood up and said they had to leave. According to their religion, a demon says there is no heaven.